The First World War, 1914–1918

The project of Union of Revival of Pedigree Traditions
В связи с техническими трудностями проект работает с ограниченным функционалом. К сожалению, поиск сейчас возможен только по фамилии.

Currently the database contains 1,337,430 records.

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The system automatically trying to expand your request, in view of possible errors in spelling and abbreviations of names. Partial matches are displayed at the end of the list and highlighted by color.

Please note: during the First World War there were no modern republics and regions — were provinces and districts of the Russian Empire, the boundaries of which are often different from the boundaries of the modern territores. Place names are indicated as of the date of the war.

If you do not have Russian keyboard, you can type text in transliteration — it will be automatically encoded in Russian letters. See the conversion table.

Found 1 record.

No.SurnameOther namesProvince, Uezd, Volost, Place

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Some last search queries: конышев (Царёвококшайский уезд), лобашов, толяронок, лубинец, николай андреевич (Вологодская губерния, Никольский уезд), Игнатьев Никифор, (Харьковская губерния ,Волчанский уезд), Лобов, Каныгин, пахотин, Тимаков, Кудисов